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Psilocybin mushrooms can reveal unconscious aspects of self and the deeper layers of mind that influence your life. The experiences can include the recognition and cathartic release of repressed psychological material, at times represented as metaphor or symbolism. We get into concepts from the field of depth psychology to help you better understand what arises from your psilocybin sessions.


Psilocybin sessions can be highly physical with a broad range of sensations and feelings emerging. Therapeutic experiences with psilocybin involve gaining awareness of what arises within your body and working with it. We include somatic therapy within our retreat model to help you process what the mushrooms present to you in each session.


Psychedelic therapy may introduce you to transcendent ideas and concepts that are difficult to comprehend in relation to consensus reality. Transpersonal psychology can be helpful in framing new ways of relating to and integrating experiences with psilocybin mushrooms, particularly for higher doses.


Psilocybin mushrooms can shed light on parts of your psyche. These parts can be embraced, denied, or unknown. Significant healing can come from psilocybin mushrooms because they allow you to bring awareness to and integrate various aspects of self and reconcile their conflicts. IFS is routinely applied in our therapeutic retreat discussion.


Working with psilocybin mushrooms can bring up a cascade of thoughts and emotions, which at times can seem overwhelming. Mindfulness is a valuable tool for working with psychedelics to help you to create space and observe all that arises without judgement or reaction. Mindfulness-based approaches are taught throughout the retreat week.

Upcoming Retreat

October : 6th – 11th 


Verdesana (Event Center)
Palo Verde del Guarco de Cartago, Costa Rica


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