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Understanding PTSD

PTSD is a mental health condition that can develop after experiencing a trauma. Symptoms can include flashbacks, nightmares, avoidance of triggers, hypervigilance, and emotional changes.

Traditional Treatments

There is hope. Existing therapies like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), exposure therapy, and EMDR can effectively manage PTSD symptoms. These approaches help you process the trauma, develop coping mechanisms, and regain control of your life.

Exploring New Horizons: Psilocybin-Assisted Therapy

Psilocybin, a compound found in certain mushrooms, is being investigated as a potential breakthrough treatment for PTSD, used in conjunction with therapy. Early research suggests psilocybin may:

  • Unlock Emotional Processing: The psilocybin experience can evoke powerful emotions and self-reflection, potentially allowing you to confront and heal from the trauma in a new light.
  • Shift Your Perspective: Psilocybin may help you detach from negative thoughts and memories, fostering a more positive outlook on the traumatic event.
  • Promote Healing: Psilocybin may enhance the brain’s ability to form new connections, potentially aiding in developing healthier thought patterns.
Important to Know
  • Psilocybin-assisted therapy is still under research and not yet widely available.
  • It should only be administered by qualified healthcare professionals in a controlled setting.
  • Psilocybin can have unpredictable effects, and it’s not suitable for everyone.
Seeking Help Today

If you’re battling PTSD, there is support available. Reach out to a qualified mental health professional to discuss treatment options, including traditional therapies and potential involvement in psilocybin-assisted therapy trials Click here>>>

Upcoming Retreat

October : 6th – 11th 


Verdesana (Event Center)
Palo Verde del Guarco de Cartago, Costa Rica


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